Join the Movement!

We’re very excited to report our five-year strategic plan to improve our ministry to students! Click here to learn more.

4RStudents | The Movement

The Christ Church family has started a movement–and the sight of students becoming wholly devoted followers of Jesus has gripped us so powerfully that we’re calling the entire congregation to action.

Our goal is to create an exemplary ministry to students that shows the next generation that they are not only the key to our tomorrow, but also a vital component of our today. With your help, we will establish a culture that is so in tune with students that it enables us to positively influence their actions and minister to their needs, so that they become bold believers–ready to leave a mark on the world. We’re fired up around the idea that our ministry and service to kids, teens, and college students must become one of our strongest areas of proficiency as a church. To realize this vision, we’ve wrestled with two questions: First, what does an exceptional student ministry look like? Second, what must Christ Church do to have one of the most influential and effective student ministries in New Jersey (and beyond) over the next five years?

The answers challenge us to change and the changes are creating a wonderful movement–4RStudents!