Message from Our Lead Pastor
In 2018, we began creating a foundation for how we would take our student ministries to the next level by sharing the vision of what God put on our hearts. The sight of students becoming wholly devoted followers of Jesus gripped us so powerfully that we called the entire congregation to action by launching a remarkable movement called 4RStudents.
In addition, we continued to provide love-fueled ministry locally, regionally, and globally, as you will be able to see from scrolling through the report. We’re thankful and immensely encouraged by all that God has done throughout an amazing year and we know the best is still yet to come!
Our King Cometh!

Dr. David Ireland
Lead Pastor
Our Family
We have the most amazing family! Over 1,600 volunteers served each week in every facet of ministry – from ushering, to greeting, or helping us to encounter God in worship. Thank you, Christ Church family. Because of your time, energy, and effort, our church experienced continued growth in membership and led more than a thousand people to Christ!

Volunteer hours
New Members
People Made Decisions for Christ

Our Water Baptism Weekends are a special time where the entire church rejoices for people taking that next step to build their faith! Together, with family and friends, those who are making this public declaration of a special inward change are celebrated!

People Baptized During Water Baptism Weekend
My journey is not always a bed of roses. … However, there is one thing I’m sure of, that God is with me. And today I want to express that I will remain with Him regardless of my emotions and circumstances.

The 4RStudents Movement will forever stand as a pivotal moment in the history of our church. The Movement began when we faithfully responded to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Mark 10:14 reads, “Don’t push these children away. Don’t ever get between them and me. These children are the very center of life in the kingdom.”
With this Scripture in our heart, the groundwork for 4RS began. We poured in our time, energy, and resources to student ministry like never before. This catapulted us to a banner year for our Quest Student Ministries as we saw God move in an incredible way for and through our students! For Quest Kids, we had our largest-ever Vacation Bible School! Our Quest Teens began connecting in life-changing ways through Small Groups. The Quest College Ministry connected college students to God and to each other through the expansion of the shuttle program and the launch of Meet and Munch gatherings. And our Quest Young Adults led the way for a multicultural, multiethnic, and cross-denominational event called Young Adults United — for a time of worship and fellowship.

Thank you for your immense generosity. We are humbled and blessed by your commitment and giving toward the next generation!

Kids Were Served Each Weekend
Teens Were Served Each Weekend
Students Selected for College Internship Program40
College Students Shuttled Each Weekend for Worship Services
Young Adults Gathered for Worship Event
God’s presence was strongly felt at our Vacation Bible School
in July. While kids were
enjoying sports, games, and
prizes – during our full-day, weeklong event – we know that God was at work imparting
some important lessons on our
young children.
Through our small- and large-group
gatherings, kids were taught about God’s infinite love for us, and they felt empowered to be
open and honest with their peers about topics that matter to them.
Kids Attended
Kids Made a Decision for Christ

For the sixth year in a row, Christ Church hosted one of the area’s largest community events, the Tri-County Fair. Thousands of families were welcomed and treated to free admission, parking, fireworks, rides, games, food, and much more! Nearly 90% of attendees were community members and thousands heard the good news via a specially designed magic circus presentation, focusing on Jesus as the hope of the world.
People Attended
Volunteer Hours
People Were First-Time Visitors

Attendees by year since 2012
Small Groups
Getting involved in a Small Group can be a great way to develop friendships and to grow spiritually. Our LIFE Groups are based on the acronym: Love, Instruction, Fellowship, and Evangelism. Each attribute is on display during these Small Group meetings. Our LIFE Activity Groups offer people the opportunity to enjoy an interest or hobby with other Christ Church members and their invited guests.
Small Group Members
Life Groups and Life Activity Groups

Prayerfest is a one-day festival of prayer. Worship, prayer, powerful preaching, and unique expressions of the Holy Spirit lead to God-encounters! Our 40-Day Prayer Journey prior to this amazing event sets the tone for expectant hearts on this special day, as thousands walk through our doors expecting their miracle!

People in Attendance
Nations Watched Via Livestream
People Watched Online
Elevate Family Conference
In October, we hosted the Elevate Family Conference at our Rockaway Campus – which was separated into two seminars – one for parents and one for kids.
Parents were able to enjoy topics on blended families, special education, effective
communication, and much more. Kids
were taught the importance of having Incredible Faith, with fun interactive lessons,
bounce houses, soccer, and other
fun activities.
Thanks to your sacrificial giving and focus on 4RStudents, we were able to encourage,
edify, and strengthen a broad and
diverse group of families with the practicality and Good News of the Gospel!

People Attended Elevate Parents
Children Attended Elevate Kids
People Made Decisions for Christ
Have Attended
Have Attended
People Made
Decisions for Christ
CC Global (Missions)
CC Global was excited to see hundreds of sign-ups, with people who
were ready to do their part in The Great Commission by taking a class, volunteering at
an event, or going on a missions trip.
For Missions Month May, our congregation learned that participating in The Great Commission was more than just trips, and that there were multiple ways for people to get involved without getting on a plane. To help illustrate the various ways
our community could impact the global community, we introduced the philosophy of: Learn,
Pray, Serve, Give, and Go.
Everyone can be a part of the Great Commission
Click a button below to get connected to CC Global120
People Signed Up to Serve in Missions Ministry
People Took Missions Classes
People Went on a Missions Trip

Areas Visited
Puerto Rico
Navajo Nation
Middle East
Community Engagement
Opioid Summit
In August, we hosted an Opioid Summit that was open to the community at large. A powerful testimony was shared by world-class athlete and former NFL wide receiver Vance Johnson about overcoming drug addiction. It was a special night in which we addressed prevention, treatment, and recovery of a devastating epidemic that is plaguing our country.

People Attended
Anti-Cyberbullying Workshop
We were proud to host an anti-cyberbullying event that educated parents and teachers on a complex issue that our students are forced to navigate in today’s world. The church has come alongside Mallory’s Army – an anti-bullying organization that was formed to honor the memory of Mallory Rose Grossman, who sadly took her life at the age of 12 because of cyberbullying. Mallory was from Rockaway and she touched many lives in her short time on earth; Christ Church continues to help carry on her legacy by keeping this important topic in the forefront.

People Attended
Interfaith Council Meeting
We also hosted an Interfaith Council Meeting that brought together
leaders from the
religious sector with state leaders in law enforcement, school officials, and even the
Office of New Jersey Homeland Security. The topic of discussion was one close to our
hearts – student safety. As a result of our role, we received grant money designated for
security, which will allow us to remain vigilant in keeping all of our students in the
safest possible environment we can provide.
These are just a few of the ways we are ministering to our community – which could not
be done without your faithful giving!

NJ Community Leaders
Meals Served to the Homeless and Impoverished
Prisoners Made Decisions for Christ Through Our Prison Ministry
Digital Reach
Number of Followers

Number of unique visits to website
We’re so happy that we can extend our reach through the use of our website and social media platforms. It allows us to be God’s hands and feet in a culturally relevant way and stay connected with people like never before. We also love hearing great stories like John’s…
I must say, I have never met such warm, kind, friendly, God-loving, and smiley people as I did while I attended your church. It starts as soon as I enter with the friendly greeters. Then, when I sit down, the members who I didn’t know would always welcome me with a warm smile and hello. This means a lot. The music was top notch and the preaching was always solid.
Financial Highlights
Based on Independently Audited Financial Statements
If you are a member of the Christ Church family and would like to see our Financial Highlights, please click here and enter your password.
Paul J. Barnish, MBA, President, WP Realty |
Michellene Davis, Esq., Executive Vice President, Barnabas Health |
Rev. Anthony Franklin, MPS, Campus Pastor |
Rev. Ron Gonzalez, MPS, Counseling Pastor |
Rev. David D. Ireland, Ph.D., Lead Pastor |
Rev. Marlinda K. Ireland, D.Min., Worship Pastor |
Rev. Brian Jacks, MBA, Marketplace Pastor |
Jose Lastra, Chief Financial Officer, YMCA of Montclair |
Wunmi Osinubi, MD, M.Sc., MBA, FRCA, President, OEHA, Inc. |
Terry Trayvick, MBA, CEO & Strategy Leader, Level Five Management Consultant |
Thank You for Demonstrating God’s Heart with Your Generosity.
Our mission of Uniting People to God and People to People would not be possible without your faithful giving! Thank you for all that you do to help us advance the Kingdom!

For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do.