What’s the last thing that God told you to do?
Did you do it?
Why not?
Our love for God demands our obedience to His commands. Sometimes this means not watching your favorite television show, so that you can spend more time in prayer. Sometimes it means giving money that you don’t think you have to spare in the offering. At all times, it requires picking up our cross and following the example that Christ set forth for us.
The Holy Spirit is a perfect gentleman, and will only manifest Himself when and where He is welcomed. We sing songs in worship all the time asking God to fill us, use us, or transform us. With lifted hands, we proclaim that He has our heart, has all of us, or that nothing is more important. Unfortunately, our actions can show otherwise.
Where our treasure is, there our heart is also. More than the images of diamonds, pearls, and golden thrones that the word evokes, treasure is what we value most. For some it is money, for others it is time, and still, for others it is reputation. In this hour, as you read this, the Lord is asking you to put Him first. To place your affection for Him above your job, above your calling, above your plans.
When we learn to honor God, and to wait on Him with openness, joy, and no agenda, we will find that our worship lists are becoming answered prayers. When we set our hearts on things above and not on things beneath, we will find that our greatest needs are satisfied.
Wherever you are in your life right now- whether in the midst of the raging storm or sailing calm waters, the Lord is the answer to the question and the solution to the problem. In the book of 1 Kings, we find the prophet Elijah waiting in a cave for the voice of the Lord to speak. A great wind, mighty earthquake, and even fire come before the presence of the Lord arrives. Elijah however remains waiting and doesn’t respond to these things. Good thing too, because the Bible says that the Lord wasn’t in them. Then, in the calm, a still, small voice speaks. Elijah covers his face, and leaves the cave to speak with the Lord.
In our routine of Christianity, and famous television ministries we can begin to covet the “experience” of worship. We want the wind of the Spirit, the shaking of the room, and the fire of God to consume us. All of these things are great, and God does a work in these encounters. Beyond them however, is an intimate, life changing encounter where the still, small voice of God speaks.
For Elijah, the whisper brought correction, affirmation, and instruction. He found out that he wasn’t as alone as he felt, and received instructions on who was to carry on his ministry.
What are you waiting for God to tell you? I encourage you to yield to what you already hear Him saying, and settle in your heart, that His instructions are always for your good.