
The Financial Empowerment Ministry is a dynamic team of seasoned professionals and executives who are passionate about helping others thrive financially. With deep expertise in finance, leadership, and stewardship, our spirit-filled coaches are dedicated to equipping the Christ Church Family—and the broader communities we serve—with the tools to manage time, talent, and treasure with wisdom and excellence.
We fulfill this mission by:

  • Delivering impactful training year-round, addressing biblical stewardship principles that apply to everyone—from those seeking financial security to those navigating financial hardship.

  • Providing personalized, one-on-one coaching from experienced professionals to guide individuals and families toward financial clarity and success.

  • Offering valuable resources for ongoing financial growth and education.
Whether you're looking to fine-tune your financial strategy or take control of your finances for the first time, our team is here to coach, support, and empower you every step of the way.
Empowering Resources to Help You Thrive Financially

Book Resources

  • Simple Money, Rich Life
    Bob Lotich, WaterBrook, 2022, 305 pages

    This empowering resource is a hope-filled money guide designed to help you increase your savings, earnings, and giving—all while building a life of freedom and eternal impact, from the founder of SeedTime Money.

  • The Eternity Portfolio Illuminated
    Alan Gotthardt, Tyndale House, 2003, 198 pages

    The Eternity Portfolio provides a groundbreaking framework for managing your money intentionally to invest in God's kingdom. Grounded in the historical Christian belief that to the extent we have food, clothing and shelter, we must decide what to do with the "excess," financial advisor Alan Gotthardt cast a vision for God's kingdom as the ultimate investment opportunity for that excess, whether $100 or $1 million.

  • Master Your Money
    Ron Blue, Moody Publishers, 2016, 272 pages

    A step-by-step guide to financial freedom. Do you know if you have enough? Do you know how much is enough? If you can't answer these questions, Master Your Money is for you.

    In this book, Ron Blue extracts principles from God's Word and applies them to your financial portfolio.

  • Financial Peace Revisited
    Dave Ramsey, Viking, 2003, 326 pages Ralph Weitz

    Want to get out of debt and stay out? Financial Peace Revisited gives you the tools to understand why you are in debt, create a budget you can stick to, set goals you can achieve and make things right for you and your family emotionally, spiritually and financially, for good. The updated version of the best-selling Financial Peace includes new chapters on marriage, singles, kids and families.

  • Wealth to Last
    Larry Burkett and Ron Blue, Broadman and Holman Publishers, 2003, 229 pages

    Two of the most trusted names in Christian finance teach readers how to ensure the fiscal well-being of the second half of their lives, showing baby boomers how to build a financial portfolio that will provide for their families while honoring God.

  • The Total Money Makeover
    Dave Ramsey, Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2003, 240 pages

    The Total Money Makeover is Dave’s all-time bestselling book. It has helped millions of families get rid of debt and change their lives forever with its simple, practical seven-step plan. How does it work? By getting to the heart of your money problems: You.

  • Your Money Counts
    Howard Dayton, Crown Financial Publishing, 1996, 196 pages

    Many people are experiencing such financial challenges as credit card debt, downsizing, dead-end jobs, and inadequate or depleted savings. With these challenges come others as well. Recent studies confirm that more than half of all divorces are the result of financial pressures at home. And spiritually, many people are struggling to maintain a biblical perspective amidst the constant tug of materialism. But there is hope. The Bible has a lot to say about money. In fact, the Bible is a veritable blueprint for managing your finances. In Your Money Counts, trusted financial expert Howard Dayton shows you how to manage your personal finances in a highly practical, biblically-based way.

  • Money & Marriage: A Complete Guide for Engaged and Newly Married Couples
    Matt Bell, NavPress, 2011, 240 pages

    Through a 10-step action plan, you’ll learn how to prioritize goals, get out of debt, build savings and much more—all in a way that minimizes stress on your relationship and maximizes unity and balance.

  • Money, Purpose, Joy
    Matt Bell, NavPress, 2008, 205 pages

    Utilizing God's timeless principles to orient your use of money around His purpose for your life will put you on solid financial footing. Money, Purpose, Joy will help you clarify your purpose and teach you a practical, biblical process for using money to fulfill that purpose.

  • Money, Purpose, Joy Personal Workbook
    Matt Bell, NavPress, 2008, 109 pages

    This personal workbook will help you go further in your journey toward uncommon financial success.

  • Money Strategies for Tough Times
    Matt Bell, NavPress, 2009, 153 pages

    Matt Bell’s Money Strategies for Tough Times is specially prepared to help you handle (and prevent) the tough times. No guilt trips—just practical, proven, sound money strategies, built on the timeless foundation of God’s Word, that you can put in motion today to weather any financial storm and take charge of your financial life.

  • Freed-Up from Debt
    Matt Bell, Willow Creek Resources, 2009, DVD plus 63-page participant’s guide

    Freed-Up from Debt is an all-inclusive, biblically-based two-session workshop that provides the tools necessary to get out—and stay out—of debt for a lifetime. More than just simply “how-tos”, this resource helps you examine your heart and motivations around money and debt, while giving you the steps you need to take to get free from the emotional and spiritual bondage debt produces.

  • Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money
    Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Wiley; 2 Edition, 2009, 384 pages

    A practical approach to creating wealth based on the established principles of ancient Jewish wisdom made accessible to people of all backgrounds.

  • Freed-Up Financial Living
    Dick Tower, John Negovetich and Shannon Plate, 158 pages

    This inclusive six-session curriculum outlines biblical essentials on earning, giving, saving, spending and reducing debt while providing practical tips to help participants achieve their own financial, personal and spiritual goals—whether you're working with small groups, individuals or in larger-group settings.

Apps & Online Tools

  • https://www.youneedabudget.com/
    YNAB is a budgeting app that contains content such as personal finance articles, podcasts and financial training. (Paid version: $85/year fee).

  • https://www.empower.com
    Empower Capital offers financial management that includes a tool for creating and visualizing your net worth. You can link your financial accounts directly to the app and track transactions and spending.

  • https://www.everydollar.com
    A Dave Ramsey developed app. Every Dollar has both a paid and free version. The paid version allows connection to financial institutions for automated financial management. (Paid version: $130/year).

  • https://www.stridesapp.com
    Get organized and track everything you want to build the perfect routine. A flexible, free app to stay motivated with charts and reminders to achieve your SMART goals and build good habits.

  • https://www.creditkarma.com
    Credit Karma offers free credit scores, reports and insights. Get the info you need to take control of your credit with insights to your debt details. Free.



  • Financial Peace University
    Join Financial Peace University, the #1 personal finance class in America that’s helped nearly 10 million people through courses that’ll teach you step-by-step how to budget, beat debt, invest wisely, and take control of your money!

Book Resources

  • Simple Money, Rich Life
    Bob Lotich, WaterBrook, 2022, 305 pages

    This empowering resource is a hope-filled money guide designed to help you increase your savings, earnings, and giving—all while building a life of freedom and eternal impact, from the founder of SeedTime Money.

  • The Eternity Portfolio Illuminated
    Alan Gotthardt, Tyndale House, 2003, 198 pages

    The Eternity Portfolio provides a groundbreaking framework for managing your money intentionally to invest in God's kingdom. Grounded in the historical Christian belief that to the extent we have food, clothing and shelter, we must decide what to do with the "excess," financial advisor Alan Gotthardt cast a vision for God's kingdom as the ultimate investment opportunity for that excess, whether $100 or $1 million.

  • Master Your Money
    Ron Blue, Moody Publishers, 2016, 272 pages

    A step-by-step guide to financial freedom. Do you know if you have enough? Do you know how much is enough? If you can't answer these questions, Master Your Money is for you.

    In this book, Ron Blue extracts principles from God's Word and applies them to your financial portfolio.

  • Financial Peace Revisited
    Dave Ramsey, Viking, 2003, 326 pages Ralph Weitz

    Want to get out of debt and stay out? Financial Peace Revisited gives you the tools to understand why you are in debt, create a budget you can stick to, set goals you can achieve and make things right for you and your family emotionally, spiritually and financially, for good. The updated version of the best-selling Financial Peace includes new chapters on marriage, singles, kids and families.

  • Wealth to Last
    Larry Burkett and Ron Blue, Broadman and Holman Publishers, 2003, 229 pages

    Two of the most trusted names in Christian finance teach readers how to ensure the fiscal well-being of the second half of their lives, showing baby boomers how to build a financial portfolio that will provide for their families while honoring God.

  • The Total Money Makeover
    Dave Ramsey, Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2003, 240 pages

    The Total Money Makeover is Dave’s all-time bestselling book. It has helped millions of families get rid of debt and change their lives forever with its simple, practical seven-step plan. How does it work? By getting to the heart of your money problems: You.

  • Your Money Counts
    Howard Dayton, Crown Financial Publishing, 1996, 196 pages

    Many people are experiencing such financial challenges as credit card debt, downsizing, dead-end jobs, and inadequate or depleted savings. With these challenges come others as well. Recent studies confirm that more than half of all divorces are the result of financial pressures at home. And spiritually, many people are struggling to maintain a biblical perspective amidst the constant tug of materialism. But there is hope. The Bible has a lot to say about money. In fact, the Bible is a veritable blueprint for managing your finances. In Your Money Counts, trusted financial expert Howard Dayton shows you how to manage your personal finances in a highly practical, biblically-based way.

  • Money & Marriage: A Complete Guide for Engaged and Newly Married Couples
    Matt Bell, NavPress, 2011, 240 pages

    Through a 10-step action plan, you’ll learn how to prioritize goals, get out of debt, build savings and much more—all in a way that minimizes stress on your relationship and maximizes unity and balance.

  • Money, Purpose, Joy
    Matt Bell, NavPress, 2008, 205 pages

    Utilizing God's timeless principles to orient your use of money around His purpose for your life will put you on solid financial footing. Money, Purpose, Joy will help you clarify your purpose and teach you a practical, biblical process for using money to fulfill that purpose.

  • Money, Purpose, Joy Personal Workbook
    Matt Bell, NavPress, 2008, 109 pages

    This personal workbook will help you go further in your journey toward uncommon financial success.

  • Money Strategies for Tough Times
    Matt Bell, NavPress, 2009, 153 pages

    Matt Bell’s Money Strategies for Tough Times is specially prepared to help you handle (and prevent) the tough times. No guilt trips—just practical, proven, sound money strategies, built on the timeless foundation of God’s Word, that you can put in motion today to weather any financial storm and take charge of your financial life.

  • Freed-Up from Debt
    Matt Bell, Willow Creek Resources, 2009, DVD plus 63-page participant’s guide

    Freed-Up from Debt is an all-inclusive, biblically-based two-session workshop that provides the tools necessary to get out—and stay out—of debt for a lifetime. More than just simply “how-tos”, this resource helps you examine your heart and motivations around money and debt, while giving you the steps you need to take to get free from the emotional and spiritual bondage debt produces.

  • Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money
    Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Wiley; 2 Edition, 2009, 384 pages

    A practical approach to creating wealth based on the established principles of ancient Jewish wisdom made accessible to people of all backgrounds.

  • Freed-Up Financial Living
    Dick Tower, John Negovetich and Shannon Plate, 158 pages

    This inclusive six-session curriculum outlines biblical essentials on earning, giving, saving, spending and reducing debt while providing practical tips to help participants achieve their own financial, personal and spiritual goals—whether you're working with small groups, individuals or in larger-group settings.

Apps & Online Tools

  • https://www.youneedabudget.com/
    YNAB is a budgeting app that contains content such as personal finance articles, podcasts and financial training. (Paid version: $85/year fee).

  • https://www.empower.com
    Empower offers financial management that includes a tool for creating and visualizing your net worth. You can link your financial accounts directly to the app and track transactions and spending.

  • https://www.everydollar.com
    A Dave Ramsey developed app. Every Dollar has both a paid and free version. The paid version allows connection to financial institutions for automated financial management. (Paid version: $130/year).

  • https://www.stridesapp.com
    Get organized and track everything you want to build the perfect routine. A flexible, free app to stay motivated with charts and reminders to achieve your SMART goals and build good habits.

  • https://www.creditkarma.com
    Credit Karma offers free credit scores, reports and insights. Get the info you need to take control of your credit with insights to your debt details. Free.



  • Financial Peace University
    Join Financial Peace University, the #1 personal finance class in America that’s helped nearly 10 million people through courses that’ll teach you step-by-step how to budget, beat debt, invest wisely, and take control of your money!

Tax Talk: Tips for Success

Smart Money Moves for Bigger Savings

Want to make informed decisions this tax season? Join us for a FREE online webinar where financial experts will share insights to help you maximize available tax benefits, take advantage of deductions, and plan wisely for your financial future.

Saturday, February 15

10:00AM – 11:30AM

Online (Zoom) | Click HERE to access

Financial Coaching

The Financial Empowerment ministry seeks to provide guidance, insight, and support in any way we can. To this end, we offer confidential financial coaching.

Our certified, volunteer coaches assist individuals and families in creating tailored, practical spending plans.

To request confidential coaching, there are two steps:

Step 1: Complete and submit a FE Client Profile. This document, when filled out, provides us basic background information to jump-start the coaching process.


Step 2: Complete and submit a signed copy of the FEM Client Agreement. This document contains important information regarding the roles of our volunteer Financial Empowerment Ministry Coaches and you as a participant.


Once we receive both forms from Steps 1 & 2 we will be in contact.

The Generosity Journey Blog

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Ready to Change Your Life by Investing?

On the road to growing in the grace of giving (2 Corinthians 8:7), make sure you don’t overlook investing—an effective way to increase your personal wealth...

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Making Room for Generosity


By Brian Jacks
Marketplace Pastor of Christ Church

Gas prices are higher than they’ve ever been in US history. Over the last year, rents in New Jersey increased 27 percent. And, we’re experiencing...

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Want to Reach Your Goals? Tell Your Friends


By Christ Church Communications Team
Brittany Charles (Contributor)

Brittany has always been ambitious, focused, goal-oriented and achievement-minded. Having a career, getting married, buying a home and starting...

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