
LIFE Purpose Plan

Download Outline: Living Purposely – Goal Setting Document

Having a LIFE Purpose Plan is for EVERY Christ Church member.


A LIFE Purpose Plan is a way that people set goals in the major areas of their lives and then write out a plan to make progress and achieve that plan. These should include major areas such as:

  • 1) Family and Home Goals
  • 2) Financial and Career Goals
  • 3) Spiritual and Ethical Goals
  • 4) Physical and Health Goals
  • 5) Social and Cultural Goals
  • 6) Mental and Educational Goals

The form can be accessed at:
Download form: Living Purposely – Goal Setting Document


LIFE Purpose Plan can be started at any time and updated annually. It should also be reviewed at least every 3 – 6 months to see if any needed adjustments should be made.


God created every person with a plan and a purpose but no one gets there by accident! By having a plan and being diligent, you can get to your life purpose faster and more effectively!

  • Every resource available should be used to reach your potential
  • Christ Church offers many ways you can grow in different life dimensions such as:
    • Building stronger faith through Bible Studies, Ministry Schools, Missions, Mentoring, and Leadership classes.
    • Overcoming life challenges and tragedies through support groups.
    • Learning about practical skills such as money management etc. through workshops.
  • Secular training and educational processes available through public and private institutions that offer additional training processes.
Together, every person who attends Christ Church, should be progressing into greater spiritual maturity while accomplishing their God-given purpose in life.