After accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are born again. You are now eligible to become a member of Christ Church. The membership process begins by expressing your interest; once you’ve reached out to us, we will begin your enrollment into the Joining Our Church Family membership classes (JOCF). Check out the info below to learn why you should become a part of the Christ Church Family!
A dedicated member of our Pastoral Team—whether a minister or chaplain—is here to support you through prayer, care, and guidance during life events and crises, including:
Here are just some of the ways you can get better connected to Christ Church members and the Leadership Team:
There are eight (8) lessons within the JOCF Course that will provide insight into our vision, values, and doctrine – as well as the essentials of the Christian faith. The following are three main topics you will learn about:
Find out about the church’s mission and purpose as you uncover how you can be a part of it.
This lesson will provide you with an in-depth look at the bedrock of our faith—Jesus! Learn about our Savior’s history, as well as His humanity and divinity.
God has blessed every believer with a spiritual gift(s) that we can use to partner with Him in His work. Spiritual gifts are for encouraging and serving the community and world around us.