Whether you have a passion to serve directly in international missions or not, you can support trips or efforts to win souls, meet felt needs or train local pastors and leaders to impact their communities!

Check out some efforts below you can support financially—impacting people in places across the globe!

Microlending – Small Business Start-Up Loans in Central America

• Help a parent(s) with an impoverished family start a personal business to help feed their children and allow children to progress in their educations

• Since 2021, Christ Church has helped 73 people start a business at an average cost of less than $300.

Get Involved

Child Sponsorship in Partnership with Compassion International

• Sponsor a child for just $38 each month with our ministry partner, Compassion International. Visit the link below to begin.

Haiti Disaster Relief

• Did you know that for $1,500, you can build a basic home for a family whose house was destroyed from recent natural disasters? But whatever amount you choose to give, please know that you are making a tangible difference.

Clean Water Well for a Community

• Approximately $8,000 builds a water well for 2,000 people!

• Just $4 will supply a person with clean water for at least 10 years!

Train Pastors in Uganda

• Help sponsor annual National Pastors’ Conference and ongoing leadership development.

Train Church Planters in India

• Help support a training center with 80-100 emerging pastors who will plant churches in unreached villages throughout India.

To help us share the hope and love of Jesus through any of the causes above, click the link below and then select the “CC Global Missions” category. You can then designate your giving to a specific cause by adding a message “e.g., “Haiti Disaster Relief.” Thank you for your generosity!


For more information, contact Jack Redmond at 973-783-1010 (ext. 226) or email