Every day, we can pray for all kinds of people and situations! We can start by praying for the salvation and spiritual growth of our family, friends, co-workers and people in our community.

Next we can target our prayers towards our community, church, region and different areas of the world.

Some of our prayer focal points include praying for:

  1. The salvation of people we personally know and those we come in contact with.
  2. Christ Church – that every member would embrace their personal responsibility to win souls and work towards fulfilling the Great Commission.
  3. That Christ Church would seek to progressively grow in our CC Global Missions efforts from personal local regional national international efforts
  4. Specific CC Global trips, e.g., Central America, Uganda, etc.
  5. Specific CC Global efforts, e.g., Central America MicroLoan program, disaster relief in Haiti, Leadership Development in India and Uganda, etc.
  6. Pray for specific countries, people groups, international crisis, etc.
  7. Join our CC Global Missions team and join ongoing and special prayer times

For more information on missions trips and classes, contact Jack Redmond at