Spiritual Guidance

Pastoral Care is focused on helping people—who are experiencing personal, marital and spiritual challenges—overcome their struggles using Biblically-based practices. The staff is comprised of lay Christians; individual and group sessions are available through appointment.

Chaplaincy Ministry

The Christ Church Chaplaincy Ministry provides emotional and spiritual care to those in need within the congregation’s membership during serious illness, high-risk pregnancy, loss of a loved one, homelessness, divorce and other life-altering events.


Pastoral Care provides compassionate support to those dealing with the pain of losing a loved one. The team is trained to not only help with the grieving and healing process, but to assist with the planning of funeral and memorial services as well.

Baby Dedications

Dedicating your baby is a public testimony of your intent to raise your child in the Christian faith, with the hope that he or she will one day make a personal commitment to Christ as their Savior. Dedications are held on the fourth Sunday of each month, at the last scheduled Sunday service. Parents and guardians who want to have their child dedicated must attend a pre-dedication class. To begin the process, simply click here to fill out the Baby Dedication Application Form.

Marriage Enrichment

Is your marriage in need of a tune-up? Do you and your spouse want to build a stronger, healthier relationship?

If this seems like you, Christ Church offers ENRICH, a marriage enrichment program designed to help married couples build a more satisfying relationship.

What are the major goals of the ENRICH program?

The program helps couples:

  • Explore strength and growth areas.
  • Strengthen communication skills.
  • Identify and manage major stressors.
Is there a cost for the ENRICH Program?

Yes, there is a minimal one-time cost for the initial inventory.

Sessions led by trained facilitators are available by appointment through Pastoral Care. Currently, the program is only available to active Christ Church members.

Financial Coaching

Are you facing financial hardship or struggling to make ends meet? Or perhaps you need a strategy for eliminating debt, or creating a budget for yourself or family? If any of this applies to you, then you are a candidate for financial coaching. Trained and certified individuals are available by appointment to assist in better financial management, practical suggestions for budgeting and assistance in prioritizing long-term financial objectives.

Click below to learn more.

Financial Empowerment
Guided Prayer
What is Guided Prayer?

Guided Prayer is an inner-healing ministry of Christ Church and a resource for people who desire to reach their full potential.

  • Guided Prayer is NOT counseling, it IS prayer ministry that is Christ-centered, Bible-based and Holy Spirit-led.
  • Through encounters with God and His Truth, many people experience significant breakthrough in specific areas of need.
Who is eligible to receive it?
  • Do you experience strong emotions that seem out of place?
  • Do you struggle with anger, fear, anxiety, panic, phobias?

Private sessions are offered with a trained prayer facilitator and a team of intercessors. Appointments are approximately 1–2 hours in length.

Water Baptism

If you’re interested in getting baptized, or just curious, you are on the right track. Baptism literally means to be immersed in water. It is a physical act of obedience by which a person identifies himself or herself with Jesus’ death, burial and Resurrection.

Click below for more info or to register.

Learn More
Healing School

As members of the Body of Christ, we are called by God to do what Jesus did. The Spirit of God wants to move and work through us to bring physical, emotional and spiritual healing to others around us today. As part of the School of the Holy Spirit, the Healing School offers exciting courses and training designed to deepen your understanding of the ministry of healing from a biblical perspective.

Participants will be empowered and activated to minister healing to others at home, school, in the workplace and everywhere they go. If you would like more info or if you’re interested in receiving the current training schedule, kindly email:

Referrals to Outside Agencies/Ministries

The Pastoral Care department’s goal is to connect people with resources and/or resource providers in the community when the current need and situation is outside of Christ Church’s ability to fully meet it. A comprehensive database is maintained of organizations and ministries that provide assistance to individuals and families related to the following needs:

  • Emergency Services (CISM Support)
  • Alpha Omega Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT)

    Christ Church’s Alpha Omega Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) is an official “Hotline Team” according to the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF).

    The team is poised to serve anyone that may be in need of crisis intervention, also referred to as “psychological first aid,” in the immediate aftermath of a crisis, trauma or disaster. We can be contacted anytime at 973-783-1010 (ext. 340) or via email at

    We are also listed on the ICISF website at under "CISM Support".

  • Food banks
  • Professional counseling
  • Treatment programs