Eat, Pray, Love…and Interns

The College Ministry has been filling up hearts (and stomachs) at “Meet and Munch.”

The Quest College Ministry has engaged 16 new young adults since the debut of “Meet & Munch” in June—where college students Meet in the lobby after service and Munch at a local restaurant. Opportunities like this open the door for some powerful ministry to take place. Sometimes, the act of simply giving someone a Bible can be a life-changing occurrence. Recently a student—who had just been saved—was provided with a Bible and given some basic instruction on how to read the word. The Prayer Ministry then prayed over the student, to which he responded, “I never knew that prayer could do that!”

In other College Ministry news, Christ Church is hosting 11 interns across nine departments from both Christian and secular universities in northern New Jersey this summer. These paid internships offer students valuable real-life experience.

Picture of Angela Maceda

Angela Maceda

Quest College Director at Christ Church


Quest exists to reach, love, and serve both students and young adults by creating an environment that offers a genuine encounter of God.

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