Pausing to Pray with Purpose
Quest Teens took a “pause” in February to spend time with God and each other at the Pause Weekend Retreat at the East Campus
Quest Teens took a “pause” in February to spend time with God and each other at the Pause Weekend Retreat at the East Campus
Quest College Ministry Director Angela Maceda meets with students one-on-one on Christian discipleship, which entails teaching biblical principles, while modeling and guiding students toward living righteously as followers of Jesus Christ.
The 2018 relaunch of the Teen Ministry at the East Campus in Montclair was a resounding success!
This fall, the Quest College Ministry is connecting college students to God and to each other through the Quest College Shuttle and our Meet and Munch gatherings.
Our student ministries were recently re-branded and they now all fall under the umbrella of “Quest.”
This fall, Quest Teens began connecting in life-changing ways through Small Groups. These groups provide an atmosphere for students to engage in meaningful conversations about life, faith, and their Christ-given purpose.
“I had a positive experience in the Small Group.