In the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), Jesus asked if the priest, the Levite or the Samaritan acted as a neighbor to the robbed man. The lawyer answers, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus then commands, “Go and do likewise.” With this biblical story, coupled with a variety of other experiences, the Love Thy Neighbor project was brewed into existence—love hard and love strong, just as Christ did for each and every one of us.
Our first project was with Mrs. Paula (at right in above photo), an 83-year old Asian American woman and neighbor of one of our Quest College members. The team first heard about her during a 7am prayer call and felt the need to help her clean her yard. A couple of days later, Mrs. Paula was so overwhelmed by the team’s arrival that even the neighbors in the area noticed! At her house, the team mowed the lawn, uprooted overgrown weeds, cleared bushes and cleaned the backyard, as well as provided spiritual and emotional care and support. To say Mrs. Paula was thankful would be an understatement.
“All of my neighbors are going to be so surprised I have so many friends! Wow!” she exclaimed. “My neighbors are going to see all these friends, and they will know the Lord is not fake! He is real!” she said, being so thankful for the team.
That day, the team learned who she was at heart and were not only able to address the question of who is our neighbor, but they also demonstrated to what extent they will go to serve our neighbor. Through this project, they committed themselves to becoming a source of comfort, peace, refuge, even hope!