Small Group Leadership Training
Next Training
May 31 | Rockaway | 8:30AM — 3:30PM
Why Small Group Leadership?
Small Group Leadership can seem intimidating. But becoming a Small Group Leader isn’t about being perfect or having all the answers—it’s about serving God’s people and giving them a connection point to each other. On top of that, hosting a group is simple and fun!
Just choose your topic, which can be based on an interest, hobby, or a Bible study, and select a time and location to meet with others to share it.
Need some ideas for your group? Well, we have a wide variety, from gender- and age-specific groups (e.g., men’s, women’s, teens), to activity groups based on hobbies (e.g., hiking, cooking, exercising), to our virtual Connect Groups based on a common interest (e.g., traveling, sports, gardening). Check out the resources below for more details.
Why Attend the Training?
Here’s what you can expect from our training sessions:
An overview “info session” to get you grounded on the basic principles of leading a group.
Practical hands-on training in how to lead in-person or virtual groups.
- Discover how you can use your spiritual gifts to impact the lives of others.
After you’ve gained the tools, training, and resources provided by our training, you’ll be ready to effectively lead your Small Group with confidence! We believe people’s lives are changed one season at a time by moving one step closer towards Christ, and as a Small Group Leader, you get to play an important role in that process.
This training is also ideal if you’re already in a group and have the desire to lead your own.
Next Training
May 31 | Rockaway | 8:30AM — 3:30PM
Benefits of Leading

To have fun and foster healthy relationships while expanding your spiritual gifts.

To unite people to God and people to people as you help others grow spiritually and get better connected to their church community.

To witness the life-changing power of God’s word and the benefits of community.
How You’ll Lead

all Small Group trainings through Christ Church.

and lead a Small Group.

all Life Group curriculum for Bible studies and discussion.
– You have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
As a Small Group Leader, you will have the opportunity to:
- Build genuine connections with people by creating a safe space to share, discuss the Word, and to fellowship.
- Encourage Group members to support one another through difficult seasons and pray for each other.
- Influence your Group to grow in their relationship with Christ, and to trust God with every area of their life.
- Encourage one another to serve in church and in their local community.
- Share the love of Christ by inviting others to be a part of your Group.
Small Group Leaders do not need to be Bible scholars—but they must be growing Christ followers who fulfill three (3) requirements. Qualified Small Group Leaders must:
- Love and Follow Jesus: They are a committed Christ follower who is actively growing in their walk with the Lord. Others describe them as growing.
- Love People: They have natural affection, compassion, and care for people. Others describe them as relational.
- Love Christ Church: They regularly attend Christ Church each week and consider it their primary church. Others describe them as a member.
Small Group Leaders are required to:
- Attend a Campus-led Leader training event for their initial training.
- Attend the annual Small Group Leaders Kickoff meeting so we can provide practical tools for success.
- Attend regular meetings with their Group Coach, approximately 2-3 times per year for a time of discipleship, prayer, and problem solving.
When a Small Group first starts out, you will follow a curriculum written by Pastors Anthony and Barbara Franklin, based on Christ Church’s Sunday messages. After that, your Group may elect to remain sermon-based or select a study approved by the Small Groups department.
There are many ways for people to join a Small Group. The first way is by invitation…others are invited by the Leader or Group members. Small Groups work best when they build on natural relationships that already exist, so if there are people you know, you can invite them to be in your Group. The second way people join Groups is by selecting one that fits their location and stage of life through our sign-up page HERE.
There are several types of Groups offered under the Small Groups umbrella:
- Life Groups—Sermon-based Bible study.
- Life Activity Groups—Based on shared interests and hobbies.
- Married Life Groups—Married couples only.
- Women’s Bloom Groups—Women only.
- Care Groups—Focused on care, spiritual development, and emotional support.
- Teens, College & Young Adult Groups
While meeting virtually, childcare is the responsibility of each individual or family. When our Small Groups meet in person, each individual Group is responsible for deciding how to handle childcare needs. Some options are:
- Have parents arrange for sitters on their own and attend the Group without children.
- Chip in for a sitter who watches the kids in a different room while your Group meets.
Little to none…depending on the type of Group you are leading. We understand that people are at different places in their relationship with God and knowledge of the Bible. A Small Group provides a safe place for individuals to learn and grow together through group discussion.
You will have the opportunity to choose where your Group meets. However, please keep in mind what type of Group you will be leading when choosing your location. Some locations may not be conducive for Bible study. Whether you meet at a restaurant, a park, on Zoom, or in your home, you want to create an environment to connect.
Life Groups generally meet on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month. Some Groups (Activity, Connect, Care Groups, etc.) may meet less frequently. You have the freedom to decide what day you meet and how often in most cases. Whatever you choose, just know that consistency is key!
For more information, kindly email us by clicking the following link.